Image Collections


Maps and graphics about countries around the world, including comparisons across different continents

World Physical Map CIA map 2016
World Political Map CIA map 2019
United Nations Subregions world subregions according to the United Nations
World Timezones timezones around the world 2012
Legal Systems of the World classifies various countries' legal systems 2020?
Country Surface Areas comparison of all country surface areas without projective distortions 2016
Country Demographics several demographic data for each country 2020
Life Expectancy Evolution 3 maps with the estimated life-expectancy age groups across all countries for the years 1800, 1950, and 2015 2015
US/EU Age Limits compares various age limits across the US and the European Union 2020
US/EU Total Fertility Rates compares TFRs across the US and the European Union 2018
Homicides by Country data are also grouped by continent 2010s
Metro GDP per Capita compares various cities from europe and north america; values are PPP-adjusted 2015
Prevailing Religions which religion(s) are commonest in which country 2010s
Shaded World shaded/fake-colored world without clouds
World at Night NASA picture 2012
Power Plugs which electrical power plugs are commonest in which country 2020
Visa Requirements 2020/10/28


Maps and graphics exclusively about countries in the americas and the caribbean

US Megaregions the biggest interconnected urban regions in the US, some of which are shown connecting beyond borders 2010s
US Commuting another megaregions map of the US 2016
US Money Stock money supply of US dollars according to the Federal Reserve 1981–2020
US Money Velocity velocity of US money stock according to the Federal Reserve 1959–2020
US/Canada Regional Pop populations in Canada/USA by province/state: California is the most populous with ~39.5 millions 2018, 2020
Uninhabited US US areas with 0 official residents in 2010 2010
US Pop Density where people live in the mainland US, southeastern Canada, and northern Mexico
Mexico Pop Density where people live in Mexico, central america, and the caribbean
US Ancestries top declared ancestry by US county 2010
Canadian Pop by City age-specific populations in all major cities in Canada 2011–2016
US Diabetes estimated age-adjusted prevalence of diagnosed diabetes by race and sex among US adults 2013–2015
US Employment shows employment by age groups over various sectors 2017
US Attainment US educational attainment by degree 2019
US/Canada Energy Trade shows details at the state/province level 2019–2020
US Labor Force US labor force net change trends 1970–2020
US Manufacturing US manufacturing growth by state with and without computers and electronics 1997–2007
NAFTA Crops where production of common agricultural commodities happens in NAFTA countries (Canada, USA, and Mexico) 2010s
USA+ at Night southern Canada, the mainland US, and northern Mexico at night, published by NASA 2012
Homicide in the Americas compares homicide rates for all north/south american contries 2010s
US Deadliest Diseases the 10 deadliest diseases in the US ?
Canadian Trade Trends trade trends between Canada and its major import/export partners 1962–2016


Maps and graphics exclusively about countries in europe and/or asia

Population Density detailed population-density map of europe 2017
EU Pop Density where people live in europe
East Asia Pop Density where people live in eastern asia
South Asia Pop Density where people live in southern asia
Indonesia Pop Density where people live in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia
UK Drug Harm results from a survey of UK drug-harm experts 2010
UK Drug Harm (Details) more detailed results from the same UK survey of drug-harm experts 2010


Nigeria Pop Density where people live in Nigeria and surrounding countries

Historical / Trends

Timelines and maps about the past, the evolution of historical events, or economic/market evolutions; some of these are animations

Commodity Prices price trends for various commodities in US Dollars 1980–2018
Moore's Law the slowing down of Moore's law over time 1971–2018
Electronics Prices US price trends for electronics goods and related services 1997–2015
US Home Video evolution of US home video market 1996–2018
US TV Penetration US TV household penetration, along with Pay TV, and Netflix streaming 1940–2020
US Advertising US advertising as GDP share 1950–2019
Presidential Elections US presidential elections state results 1960–2016
World Leaders timeline of country leaders (with faces) over the years 1970–2021
Peak Smartphone worldwide slowdown and stagnation of unit sales for smartphones 2008–2017
Peak iPhone peak and fall of unit sales for iPhones 2012–2019

Other Graphics

Quantitative graphics using timelines, sparklines, and scatterplots, along with qualitative diagrams and infographics

Food Supplements infographic heuristic for the efficacy of various common supplements 2010
Petroleum Inputs into Common Goods flow diagram about various industrial uses of petroleum 2016
Prices for Illegal Services average prices for various illegal services offered on the dark web 2020