- index.json
- ART coverage % (CD4 less than 350)
- Adults with HIV (%, age 15-49)
- Age at 1st marriage (women)
- Aged 15+ employment rate (%)
- Aged 15+ labour force participation rate (%)
- Aged 15+ unemployment rate (%)
- Aged 15-24 employment rate (%)
- Aged 15-24 unemployment rate (%)
- Aged 15-64 labour force participation rate (%)
- Aged 25-54 labour force participation rate (%)
- Aged 25-54 unemployment rate (%)
- Aged 55+ unemployment rate (%)
- Aged 65+ labour force participation rate (%)
- Agricultural land (% of land area)
- Agricultural water withdrawal (% of total)
- Agriculture (% of GDP)
- Agriculture workers (% of labour force)
- Aid given (% of GNI)
- Aid given (2007 US$)
- Aid given per person (2007 US$)
- Aid received (% of GNI)
- Aid received per person (current US$)
- Aid received, total (US$, inflation-adjusted)
- Alcohol consumption per adult 15+ (litres)
- All causes deaths in children 1-59 months (per 1,000 births)
- All causes deaths in children 1-59 months (total deaths)
- All causes deaths in newborn (per 1,000 births)
- All causes deaths in newborn (total deaths)
- All forms of TB, deaths per 100,000 - estimated
- All forms of TB, detection rate (%) - DOTS only
- All forms of TB, detection rate (%)
- All forms of TB, existing cases per 100,000 - estimated
- All forms of TB, new cases per 100,000 - estimated
- All forms of TB, new cases per 100,000 - reported
- All forms of TB, number of deaths - estimated
- All forms of TB, number of existing cases - estimated
- All forms of TB, number of new cases - estimated
- All forms of TB, number of new cases - reported
- Alternative GDP per capita PPP, PWT 7.1
- Alternative GDP per capita PPP, WB
- Alternative GDP-capita (PPP$, inflation-adjusted) from PWT
- Alternative poverty (% below nationally defined poverty line)
- Annual HIV deaths (number, all ages)
- Armed forces personnel (% of labor force)
- Armed forces personnel, total
- Arms exports (US$, inflation-adjusted)
- Arms imports (US$, inflation adjusted)
- Average age of dollar billionaires (years)
- Bad teeth per child (12 yr)
- Battle deaths (per 100 000)
- Biomass stock in forest (tons)
- Birth asphyxia deaths in newborn (per 1,000 births)
- Birth asphyxia deaths in newborn (total deaths)
- Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total)
- Blood pressure (SBP), men, mmHg
- Blood pressure (SBP), women, mmHg
- Body Mass Index (BMI), men, Kg-m2
- Body Mass Index (BMI), women, Kg-m2
- Breast cancer, deaths per 100,000 women
- Breast cancer, new cases per 100,000 women
- Breast cancer, number of female deaths
- Breast cancer, number of new female cases
- Broadband subscribers (per 100 people)
- Broadband subscribers (total)
- Burns deaths (per 100,000 people)
- CO2 emissions (tonnes per person)
- CO2 intensity of economic output (kg CO2 per 2005 PPP $ of GDP)
- Car deaths (per 100,000 people)
- Cars, trucks & buses per 1,000 persons
- Cell phones (per 100 people)
- Cell phones (total)
- Central bank discount rate (annual %)
- Cervical cancer, deaths per 100,000 women
- Cervical cancer, new cases per 100,000 women
- Cervical cancer, number of female deaths
- Cervical cancer, number of new female cases
- Child mortality (0-5 year-olds dying per 1,000 born)
- Children and elderly (per 100 adults)
- Children out of school, primary, female
- Children out of school, primary, male
- Children out of school, primary
- Children per woman (total fertility), with projections
- Children per woman (total fertility)
- Children per woman, temporary update
- Cholesterol (fat) in blood, men, mmol-L
- Cholesterol (fat) in blood, women, mmol-L
- Coal consumption, per person
- Coal consumption, total
- Colon&Rectum cancer, deaths per 100,000 men
- Colon&Rectum cancer, deaths per 100,000 women
- Colon&Rectum cancer, new cases per 100,000 men
- Colon&Rectum cancer, new cases per 100,000 women
- Colon&Rectum cancer, number of female deaths
- Colon&Rectum cancer, number of male deaths
- Colon&Rectum cancer, number of new female cases
- Colon&Rectum cancer, number of new male cases
- Congenital deaths in newborn (per 1,000 births)
- Congenital deaths in newborn (total deaths)
- Contraceptive use (% of women ages 15-49)
- Corruption Perception Index (CPI)
- Crude birth rate (births per 1,000 population)
- Crude death rate (deaths per 1,000 population)
- Cumulative CO2 emissions (tonnes)
- DTP3 immunized (% of one-year-olds)
- Data method - Maternal mortality
- Data quality - Children per woman
- Data quality - Income per person
- Data quality - Life expectancy
- Data quality - Population
- Dead kids per woman
- Debt servicing costs (% of exports and net income from abroad)
- Debt to foreigners by public & private (% of GNI)
- Democracy score (use as color)
- Desalinated water produced (billion cu meters)
- Diarrhoeal deaths in children 1-59 months (per 1,000 births)
- Diarrhoeal deaths in children 1-59 months (total deaths)
- Diarrhoeal deaths in newborn (per 1,000 births)
- Diarrhoeal deaths in newborn (total deaths)
- Dollar billionaires per million people
- Drought - affected annual number
- Drought - deaths annual number
- Drownings (per 100,000 people)
- Earthquake - affected annual number
- Earthquake - deaths annual number
- Economic growth over the past 10 years
- Economical infrastructure aid given (% of aid)
- Education aid given (% of aid)
- Electricity generation, per person
- Electricity generation, total
- Electricity use, per person
- Electricity use, total
- Energy from solid biofuels (%)
- Energy production, per person
- Energy production, total
- Energy supply per person TOE
- Energy use, per person
- Energy use, total
- Epidemic - affected annual number
- Epidemic - deaths annual number
- Estimate or projection of under-five mortality rate, from IHME
- Expenditure per student, primary (% of GDP per person)
- Expenditure per student, secondary (% of GDP per person)
- Expenditure per student, tertiary (% of GDP per person)
- Exports (% of GDP)
- Exports unit value (index, 2000=100)
- External debt, total (US$, not inflation-adjusted)
- Extreme poverty (% people below $1.25 a day) version 20120905
- Extreme poverty (% people below $1.25 a day)
- Extreme temperature - affected annual number
- Extreme temperature - deaths annual number
- Falls, deaths (per 100,000 people)
- Family workers (% of labour force)
- Female agriculture workers (% of female labour force)
- Female family workers (% of female labour force)
- Female industry workers (% of female labour force)
- Female long term unemployment rate (%)
- Female population, with projections
- Female salaried workers (% of female labour force)
- Female self-employed (% of female labour force)
- Female service workers (% of female labour force)
- Females aged 15+ employment rate (%)
- Females aged 15+ labour force participation rate (%)
- Females aged 15+, unemployment rate (%)
- Females aged 15-24 employment rate (%)
- Females aged 15-24, unemployment rate (%)
- Females aged 15-64 labour force participation rate (%)
- Females aged 25-54 labour force participation rate (%)
- Females aged 25-54, unemployment rate (%)
- Females aged 55+, unemployment rate (%)
- Females aged 65+ labour force participation rate (%)
- Fixed line and mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people)
- Flood - affected annual number
- Flood - deaths annual number
- Food supply (kilocalories - person & day)
- Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDP)
- Foreign direct investment, net outflows (% of GDP)
- Forest area (sq. km)
- Forest coverage (%)
- Forest land, total area (ha)
- Forest products removal, per ha ($)
- Forest products removal, total ($)
- GDP-capita (US$, inflation-adjusted)
- GDP-capita growth (% per year)
- GDP-capita growth over next 10 years
- GDP-employee (US$, inflation-adjusted)
- GDP-working hour (US$, inflation-adjusted)
- GNI-capita (Atlas method, current US$)
- GNI-capita (constant 2000 US$)
- GNI-per capita (PPP, current international $)
- Government and society aid given (% of aid)
- Government health spending of total gov. spending (%)
- Government health spending per person (US$)
- Government health spending per person (international $)
- Government share of total health spending (%)
- HDI (Human Development Index)
- HIV deaths in children 1-59 months (per 1,000 births)
- HIV deaths in children 1-59 months (total deaths)
- Health aid given (% of aid)
- HepB3 immunized (% of one-year-olds)
- Hib3 immunized (% of one-year-olds)
- High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports)
- Hourly compensation (US$)
- How far to the north
- Hydroelectric electricity production, per person
- Hydroelectric electricity production, total
- IFPRI Underweight children
- Imports (% of GDP)
- Imports unit value (index, 2000=100)
- Improved sanitation, overall access (%)
- Improved sanitation, rural access (%)
- Improved sanitation, urban access (%)
- Improved water source, overall access (%)
- Improved water source, rural access (%)
- Improved water source, urban access (%)
- Income per person (GDP-capita, PPP$ inflation-adjusted)
- Income per person, with projections
- Income share of 2nd poorest 20%
- Income share of 2nd richest 20%
- Income share of middle 20%
- Income share of poorest 10%
- Income share of poorest 20%
- Income share of richest 10%
- Income share of richest 20%
- Industrial water withdrawal (% of total)
- Industry (% of GDP)
- Industry workers (% of labour force)
- Inequality index (Gini)
- Infant mortality (rate per 1,000 births)
- Infectious TB, detection rate (%) - DOTS only
- Infectious TB, detection rate (%)
- Infectious TB, new cases per 100,000 - estimated
- Infectious TB, new cases per 100,000 - reported
- Infectious TB, number of new cases - estimated
- Infectious TB, number of new cases - reported
- Infectious TB, treatment (DOTS) completed (%)
- Inflation (annual %)
- Injury deaths in children 1-59 months (per 1,000 births)
- Injury deaths in children 1-59 months (total deaths)
- Internal renewable water (cu meters per person)
- Internet users (per 100 people)
- Internet users (total)
- Investments (% of GDP)
- Life expectancy (years)
- Life expectancy at birth, temporary update
- Life expectancy at birth, with projections
- Literacy rate, adult female (% of females ages 15 and above)
- Literacy rate, adult male (% of males ages 15 and above)
- Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above)
- Literacy rate, youth female (% of females ages 15-24)
- Literacy rate, youth male (% of males ages 15-24)
- Literacy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24)
- Liver cancer, deaths per 100,000 men
- Liver cancer, deaths per 100,000 women
- Liver cancer, new cases per 100,000 men
- Liver cancer, new cases per 100,000 women
- Liver cancer, number of female deaths
- Liver cancer, number of male deaths
- Liver cancer, number of new female cases
- Liver cancer, number of new male cases
- Long term unemployment rate (%)
- Lung cancer, deaths per 100,000 men
- Lung cancer, deaths per 100,000 women
- Lung cancer, new cases per 100,000 men
- Lung cancer, new cases per 100,000 women
- Lung cancer, number of female deaths
- Lung cancer, number of male deaths
- Lung cancer, number of new female cases
- Lung cancer, number of new male cases
- MCV immunized (% of one-year-olds)
- Malaria cases per 100,000 - reported
- Malaria deaths in children 1-59 months (per 1,000 births)
- Malaria deaths in children 1-59 months (total deaths)
- Malaria deaths per 100,000 - reported
- Malaria number of cases - reported
- Malaria number of deaths - reported
- Male agriculture workers (% of male labour force)
- Male family workers (% of male labour force)
- Male industry workers (% of male labour force)
- Male long term unemployment rate (%)
- Male population, with projections
- Male salaried workers (% of male labour force)
- Male self-employed (% of male labour force)
- Male service workers (% of male labour force)
- Males aged 15+ employment rate (%)
- Males aged 15+ labour force participation rate (%)
- Males aged 15+, unemployment rate (%)
- Males aged 15-24 employment rate (%)
- Males aged 15-24, unemployment rate (%)
- Males aged 15-64 labour force participation rate (%)
- Males aged 25-54 labour force participation rate (%)
- Males aged 25-54, unemployment rate (%)
- Males aged 55+, unemployment rate (%)
- Males aged 65+ labour force participation rate (%)
- Malnutrition, weight for age (% of children under 5)
- Market value of listed companies (% of GDP)
- Maternal deaths, lifetime risk (per 1,000)
- Maternal deaths, total number
- Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births)
- Maternal mortality ratio WHO
- Math achievement - 4th grade
- Math achievement - 8th grade
- Mean years in school (men 25 to 34 years)
- Mean years in school (men 25 years and older)
- Mean years in school (women % men, 25 to 34 years)
- Mean years in school (women 25 to 34 years)
- Mean years in school (women 25 years and older)
- Mean years in school (women of reproductive age 15 to 44)
- Measles deaths in children 1-59 months (per 1,000 births)
- Measles deaths in children 1-59 months (total deaths)
- Median age (years)
- Medical Doctors (per 1,000 people)
- Meningitis deaths in children 1-59 months (per 1,000 births)
- Meningitis deaths in children 1-59 months (total deaths)
- Merchandise trade (% of GDP)
- Military expenditure (% of GDP)
- Motorcycle deaths (per 100,000 people)
- Multisector cross-cutting aid given (% of aid)
- Municipal water withdrawal (% of total)
- Municipal water withdrawal (cu meters per person)
- Murder (per 100,000 people)
- Murder (total deaths)
- Murdered 15-29 (per 100,000 people)
- Murdered 30-44, (per 100,000 people)
- Murdered 45-59 (per 100,000 people)
- Murdered 60+ (per 100,000 people)
- Murdered children 0-14 (per 100,000 people)
- Murdered men (per 100,000 people)
- Murdered women (per 100,000 people)
- NCD deaths in children 1-59 months (per 1,000 births)
- NCD deaths in children 1-59 months (total deaths)
- Natural gas production, per person
- Natural gas production, total
- Natural gas proved reserves, total
- Natural gas proven reserves, per person
- Net barter terms of trade (2000 = 100)
- New births (total number, estimated)
- Newly HIV infected (%, age 15-49)
- Newly HIV infected (number, all ages)
- Nuclear electricity production, per person
- Nuclear electricity production, total
- Number of child deaths
- Oil consumption, per person
- Oil consumption, total
- Oil production, per person
- Oil production, total
- Oil proved reserves, total
- Oil proven reserves, per person
- Old version of Income per person (version 3)
- Old version of Income per person (version 8)
- Other deaths in newborn (per 1,000 births)
- Other deaths in newborn (total deaths)
- Other infections deaths in children 1-59 months (per 1,000 births)
- Other infections deaths in children 1-59 months (total deaths)
- Other social services aid given (% of aid)
- Out-of-pocket share of total health spending (%)
- PAB immunized (% of newborns)
- Patent applications (total)
- Patents granted (total)
- Patents in force (total)
- People living with HIV (number, all ages)
- Personal computers (per 100 people)
- Personal computers (total)
- Pertussis deaths in children 1-59 months (per 1,000 births)
- Pertussis deaths in children 1-59 months (total deaths)
- Plane crash - affected annual number
- Plane crash - deaths annual number
- Planted forest area (ha)
- Pneumonia deaths in children 1-59 months (per 1,000 births)
- Pneumonia deaths in children 1-59 months (total deaths)
- Pneumonia deaths in newborn (per 1,000 births)
- Pneumonia deaths in newborn (total deaths)
- Poisonings, deaths (per 100,000 people)
- Population aged 0-4 years (total number)
- Population aged 0-4 years, both sexes (%)
- Population aged 0-4 years, female (%)
- Population aged 0-4 years, male (%)
- Population aged 10-14 years (total number)
- Population aged 10-14 years, both sexes (%)
- Population aged 10-14 years, female (%)
- Population aged 10-14 years, male (%)
- Population aged 15-19 years (total number)
- Population aged 15-19 years, both sexes (%)
- Population aged 15-19 years, female (%)
- Population aged 15-19 years, male (%)
- Population aged 20-39 years (total number)
- Population aged 20-39 years, both sexes (%)
- Population aged 20-39 years, female (%)
- Population aged 20-39 years, male (%)
- Population aged 40-59 years (total number)
- Population aged 40-59 years, both sexes (%)
- Population aged 40-59 years, female (%)
- Population aged 40-59 years, male (%)
- Population aged 5-9 years (total number)
- Population aged 5-9 years, both sexes (%)
- Population aged 5-9 years, female (%)
- Population aged 5-9 years, male (%)
- Population aged 60+ years (total number)
- Population aged 60+ years, both sexes (%)
- Population aged 60+ years, female (%)
- Population aged 60+ years, male (%)
- Population density (per square km)
- Population growth (annual %), with projections
- Population growth (annual %)
- Population in urban agglomerations more than 1 million (% of total population)
- Population policies aid given (% of aid)
- Population, total
- Poverty (% people below $2 a day)
- Prematurity deaths in newborn (per 1,000 births)
- Prematurity deaths in newborn (total deaths)
- Present value of debt (% of GNI)
- Primary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group)
- Primary forest area (ha)
- Primary school completion (% of boys)
- Primary school completion (% of girls)
- Private share of total health spending (%)
- Privately owned forest land (%)
- Privately owned other wooded land (%)
- Production sector aid given (% of aid)
- Prostate cancer, deaths per 100,000 men
- Prostate cancer, new cases per 100,000 men
- Prostate cancer, number of male deaths
- Prostate cancer, number of new male cases
- Pump price for gasoline (US$ per liter)
- Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary education (%)
- Ratio of young literate females to males (% ages 15-24)
- Renewable water (cu meters per person)
- Residential electricity use, per person
- Residential electricity use, total
- Residential energy use (%)
- Roads, paved (% of total roads)
- Rural poverty (% rural people below national rural poverty line)
- Salaried workers (% of labour force)
- Self-employed (% of labour force)
- Sepsis deaths in newborn (per 1,000 births)
- Sepsis deaths in newborn (total deaths)
- Service workers (% of labour force)
- Services (% of GDP)
- Sex ratio (0-14 years)
- Sex ratio (15-24 years)
- Sex ratio (15-49 years)
- Sex ratio (above 50 years)
- Sex ratio (all age groups)
- Smoking adults (% of population over age 15)
- Smoking men (% of men over age 15)
- Smoking women (% of women over age 15)
- Stillbirths (per 1,000 births)
- Stomach cancer, deaths per 100,000 men
- Stomach cancer, deaths per 100,000 women
- Stomach cancer, new cases per 100,000 men
- Stomach cancer, new cases per 100,000 women
- Stomach cancer, number of female deaths
- Stomach cancer, number of male deaths
- Stomach cancer, number of new female cases
- Stomach cancer, number of new male cases
- Storm - affected annual number
- Storm - deaths annual number
- Subsistence incomes per person
- Sugar per person (g per day)
- Suicide (per 100,000 people)
- Suicide (total deaths)
- Suicide age 0-14 (per 100,000 people)
- Suicide age 15-29 (per 100,000 people)
- Suicide age 30-44 (per 100,000 people)
- Suicide age 45-59 (per 100,000 people)
- Suicide age 60+ (per 100,000 people)
- Suicide men (per 100,000 people)
- Suicide women (per 100,000 people)
- Sulfur emissions per person (kg)
- Surface area (sq. km)
- Surviving kids per woman
- TB programme (DOTS) population coverage (%)
- TB with HIV+, deaths per 100,000 - estimated
- TB with HIV+, existing cases per 100,000 - estimated
- TB with HIV+, new cases per 100,000 - estimated
- TB with HIV+, number of deaths - estimated
- TB with HIV+, number of existing cases - estimated
- TB with HIV+, number of new cases - estimated
- Tax revenue (% of GDP)
- Teen fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)
- Tetanus deaths in newborn (per 1,000 births)
- Tetanus deaths in newborn (total deaths)
- Total GDP (PPP$, inflation-adjusted)
- Total GDP (US$, inflation-adjusted)
- Total GNI (PPP, current international $)
- Total health spending (% of GDP)
- Total health spending per person (US$)
- Total health spending per person (international $)
- Total number of dollar billionaires
- Total population, with projections
- Total reserves (% of debt to foreigners)
- Total sulfur emission (kilotonnes)
- Total water withdrawal (billion cu meters)
- Trade balance (% of GDP)
- Trade balance (US$, not inflation-adjusted)
- Traffic (total deaths)
- Traffic deaths (per 100,000 people)
- Traffic deaths men (per 100,000 people)
- Traffic deaths women (per 100,000 people)
- Traffic mortality 15-29 (per 100,000 people)
- Traffic mortality 30-44 (per 100,000 people)
- Traffic mortality 45-59 (per 100,000 people)
- Traffic mortality 60+ (per 100,000 people)
- Traffic mortality children 0-14 (per 100,000 people)
- Tsunami - affected annual number
- Tsunami - deaths annual number
- Under-five mortality from CME (per 1,000 born)
- Under-five mortality from IHME (per 1,000 born)
- Underweight children
- Urban population (% of total)
- Urban population growth (annual %)
- Urban population
- Urban poverty (% urban people below national urban poverty line)
- Water and sanitation aid given (% of aid)
- Water withdrawal (cu meters per person)
- Wood removal (cubic meters)
- Working hours per week
- Year categorization 1820-2010
- Year categorization 1950-
- Yearly CO2 emissions (1000 tonnes)